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Elk City
The sustainable development PDF Drukuj
English - Development
Autor Karolina Włodarczyk   
Poniedziałek, 02 Marzec 2009 18:38
In 1991 the area called "The Green Lungs of Poland" was defined and the strategy for the sustainable development of the region was drawn up. Ełk, which is situated almost in the centre of the "Green Lungs" joined the strategy with its own programme "Ełk - the ecological town". The Ełk programme was recognized as one of the best programmes in Europe and consequently the town received the prestigious Ford Award in 1993. 
History of the town of Ełk PDF Drukuj
English - History
Autor Karolina Włodarczyk   
Poniedziałek, 02 Marzec 2009 18:36

The area of today's Ełk region belonged to the land of the mysterious tribe of Jatvingians in the early Middle Ages. They established the first watchtower on the island on the lake. In the same place the Teutonic Knights built a small castle in the years 1398 to 1406. It was strategically placed and provided local people who were settling near the castle with good protection.

Economy PDF Drukuj
English - Economy
Autor Karolina Włodarczyk   
Poniedziałek, 02 Marzec 2009 18:35
The town of Ełk is situated on the crossroads of the road and railway systems in the region bordering Russia, Lithuania and Belarus. Because of its position it is one of the most important centres that link eastern Poland with Eastern Europe. This provides favourable conditions for economic growth.
Location PDF Drukuj
English - Abouy city
Autor Karolina Włodarczyk   
Poniedziałek, 02 Marzec 2009 18:35
The Ełk Lake District stretches over vast picturesque forests, lakes, hillocks and morainal valleys and plains. The area is rich in fauna. The backwoods are inhabited by roe deer, stags, wild boars, hares, polecats, martens, and even wolves in winter. On the marshy land near Żelazki one can see elk, and in the Bartosze forests, beavers. And the lakes are rich in numerous species of fish. Much of the lakeland is protected area. All of this makes the region a paradise for anglers, mushroom pickers as well as for lovers of long strolls or bike or canoe rides and skiing. 


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